Statement: Social security within MoTiv: For a safe, open-minded and respectful space, MoTiv stands for a safe environment for students, employees and visitors.

Collegiality, integrity, equality, respect, openness and attention for another are very important to us. Every form of undesirable conduct, like sexual or other types of intimidation, aggression, bullying or discrimination is unacceptable to Motiv. That message is carried out daily. We see it as an important charge to act as adequately and appropriately as possible in the event of any supposed undesirable conduct.

As an ecclesiastical training and coaching organization bound to higher education, we are principally an organization where people from diverse backgrounds meet each other and work together. Everyone at our organization, whether employee or visitor, contributes to a workspace where we treat each other with respect, regardless of background, religious belief, sexual preference, disability, role or function. Thus it is a task for us all to actively contribute to social security within the organization.

Social integrity at MoTiv

MoTiv wants to offer to employees, students, and visitors an environment where everyone feels welcomed and where everyone treats each other with respect.

To report and investigate situations in which there is undesirable conduct like (sexual) intimidation, discrimination, bullying or aggression MoTiv refers to the confidential counselor and the complaints procedure of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands and of the Roman Catholic Church in the Netherlands. Professionals at MoTiv are covered by these codes. A complaint can be submitted by an employee, student, or third party. Students can also approach the confidential counselor of their study program or Student Affairs, with whom MoTiv collaborates. An independent complaints officer advises the relevant councils (church council, foundation council, board) about the handling of the complaint. The staff is governed by the rules of their own church. The responsible church can then take appropriate measures.

Confidential counselor for MoTiv:

Ir. Bart van der Veer 0653634161

(this statement is taken from TU Delft / VSNU)

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